600 Watts Per Inch
Manufacturers trust Xtrema to cure even the most optically dense inks and coatings—all while using less lamps and consuming less energy than other systems.
Optimized Cooling
Our lamp is designed to provide optimal cooling around the entire system. The air wraps around the bulb in multiple spots to ensure the system can keep running.
Serviceable Power Supply
The Xtrema PLUS power supply delivers 6000 Watts of pure power. Featuring a compact power supply, the Xtrema PLUS is easy to install and operate. Test points for self-diagnostics are conveniently located on the front of the power supply to make them easily accessible. Remote control inputs and outputs with full remote reset capability are available to synchronize the operation of the power supply with the production line. Multiple power supplies can be wired as a group to simplify remote control interface and operation of a group of multiple units in a system.

Two Different Reflector Options
UV reflectors are used to focus UV energy on the product surface. It is vital to keep the reflectors clean or replaced at proper intervals to maintain acceptable UV output, as the reflector is responsible for 65% of total UV energy on the product. UV reflectors have polished surfaces with special coatings for high reflectivity in the UV range. Over time the coatings will degrade due to the high UV exposure.

Cold Mirror Reflectors
Miltec’s Cold Mirror reflector will absorb the unwanted infrared (IR) energy, which removes virtually all of the focused IR on the work surface to minimize the heat load on the substrate. The other major benefit of Miltec’s Cold Mirror reflector is its extremely high UV reflectivity in the UVA, UVB, and UVC range. Therefore, cure speeds will not be hampered when choosing this reflector for your heat sensitive applications.

Multiple Lamps Together
Custom UV Systems
The Xtrema Plus is designed as a custom solution for various industries. The lamp is built with industry-standard dimensions and can be retrofitted to replace an existing microwave system.

What we Build
Xtrema Plus Lamp Systems
The Xtrema Plus can handle a wide range of industries.

Explore the possibilities. We’ll help.
Work alongside our Ph.D. chemists, engineers, and UV experts in our fully equipped UV Curing Applications Laboratory to develop new processes, achieve cost reduction, and improve production workflows for your application.