This Thermal Switch is typically used in UV lamp units as a safety interlock to prevent a UV Lamp from overheating. It is designed to trip a circuit when reaching 220°F (104.4°C).
Thermal switch, 300°F (148.89°C), safety interlock, used to prevent over-heating damage of the UV lamp module.
Miltec carries UV lamp replacements for most Prime UV lamps including: 16-1-10-22-6-1 16-1-18-15-1.50 16-1-18-22-4-0 16-1-18-22-6-0 16-1-21-22-6-0 16-1-22-22-6-0 16-1-22-28-6-0 16-1-25-22-6-0 16-1-27-22-6-0 16-1-30-25-6-0 16-1-34-22-4-0 16-1-34-25-6-0 16-1-38-22-4-0 16-1-38-28-6-0 16-1-40-22-4-0 16-1-40-28-6-0 16-1-42-22-4-0 16-1-42-28-6-0 16-1-50-28-6-0 16-1-55-25-4-0
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Photography by David Bohrer, National Assoc. of Manufacturers and Gary Landsman, Gary Landsman Photography
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